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A Gardener’s Manifesto

Man's hand holding out an acorn sprouting, background is blurred
A Gardener’s Manifesto
By Nathan O’Meara

In an age of hands-on extinction with the earth, I am proud to be a gardener:

To know flowers, bulbs, and seeds.

To know vegetables, fruits, and greens.

To know the way of trees and shrubs.

To know weeds.

To know the sun’s warmth and how it dawns and sets.

To know the patterns of the moon, clouds and stars.

To know wind, rain, ice, and snow.

To know the sacredness of water.

To know that weather determines my day.

To know that seasons determine my year.

To know bees, butterflies, ants, and moths.

To know insects, I don’t know.

To know song birds, squirrels, deer and hawks.

To know soil rich with fungi, worms, microbes and nematodes.

To know stones.

To know how to tend.

To know how to labor.

To know how to seed and plant.

To know how to work tools with my hands.

To know how to grow food.

To know how to harvest and share.

To know how to create beauty.

To know life and death.

To have reverence for the land.

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